Goreway Power Station – Upgrade 2024 online casino

Ontario, Canada


In Development

Proposed 2024 online casino



Natural Gas
2024 online casino
In Development
Proposed 2024 online casino



Natural Gas
2024 online casino

Capital 2024 online casino is preparing to commence work on equipment upgrades at the Goreway Power play free casino games (GPS), subject to the receipt of all regulatory approvals. The upgrades will provide operational flexibility and additional electricity generation capacity of approximately 40 MW, which is a 4.5% increase to the total generation capacity of the GPS. The 2024 online casino was submitted to Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) through the Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation.

Please scroll down to view the addition information, reports and correspondence regarding the 2024 online casino.


The IESO has identified a significant need for new power supply in the province. At the system level, the IESO is projecting a generation capacity deficit starting in 2025. The 2024 online casino is part of an overall effort to help meet increasing local and provincial electricity demands by providing critical generation support, better enabling both a reliable supply of electricity and flexibility in support of intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy.

In June 2023, the Goreway Power Station Upgrade 2024 online casino was awarded a power purchase agreement (40 MW contracted capacity) to 2035. Learn more.

2024 online casino details

The 2024 online casino limited to the replacement of a variety of parts within the gas turbine with more advanced technology, upgradable materials, and/or higher performance levels. To accommodate these modifications, gas turbine controls will be updated accordingly. The 2024 online casino completed during regularly scheduled maintenance outages starting in 2024.

All system component upgrades will be completed within the existing facility footprint. 2024 online casino construction work is related only to equipment upgrades within the GPS. No physical earthworks are required.

Regulatory process

According to Ontario Regulation 116/01 (the Electricity Projects Regulation), modifications to a natural gas-fired generating facility that increase the facility’s capacity by 5 MW or more are subject to 2024 online casino under the Environmental Screening Process (ESP).

The ESP has two tiers of assessment: Screening Stage and Environmental Review Stage. Capital 2024 online casino voluntarily completed an Environmental Review.

The Environmental Review concluded that environmental impacts of the equipment 2024 online casino are limited to air emissions will continue to meet provincial emission requirements.

The results of the assessment has been documented in an Environmental Review Report that was made available for public review. The Environmental Review involved the assessment of potential effects of the equipment upgrades but did not re-evaluate the previously approved, operating GPS facility. On February 21, 2024, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) informed Capital 2024 online casino that it consider the ESP complete.

Consultation and engagement

We value and consider local community interests and priorities. We engage government, employees, local communities, 2024 online casino, shareholders, and Indigenous communities.

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