Much of what we do to generate electricity across North America is powered by the skills and expertise of STEM-educated employees. The need for people skilled in science, technology, engineering, and ...
In the face of escalating climate change concerns, the words "decarbonization" and "net zero" are everywhere. But what do these terms mean, how do they work, and how do they fit together? Let's take a ...
Energy is the backbone New casino sitesof our modern world. It lights up our homes, fuels our economy and industries, and supports essential services like hospitals. Out of sight for most, the electricity grid is a ...
Reliable and affordable electricity is essential for our safety, security, and economic well-being. It powers our homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools, and emerge ...
Located west of Edmonton, Capital Power’s Genesee Generating Station has provided reliable baseload generation for decades. Today, the facility is undergoing a $1.35 billion transformation to move o ...
We’re incredibly proud to partner with Bears’ New online casinosLair TV to support their efforts to feed the spirit of Indigenous business across Canada. Our support is dedicated to their Youth Dream Camp program t ...
As we power a sustainable future for people and planet, we’re proud to grow our relationships with Indigenous communities near our operations. Our Genesee Generating Station, located near Paul First ...
We’re proud to empower the communities where we live and work to achieve their climate action goals. Our new Community Sustainability Fund (CSF) supports grassroots projects that enhance sustainabil ...
On December 15, Capital Power was pleased to announce the final $1 million contribution to STARS Air Ambulance New casino games(“STARS”) in support of their fleet renewal campaign, for a total of $2 million in su ...
At Capital Power, we care about our communities and are passionate about giving back to causes close to our hearts. On November 29, 2021, we’re joining our community partner the Stollery Children’ ...